Inner Direction Recovery
Walking with you on the journey.
Everyone's path to recovery is different. Whether you are struggling with addiction, worried about a family member, or embarking on a challenging life transition, we can help.
At Inner Direction Recovery, we strive to support individuals and families on their unique journey, honoring strengths and building resilience. We tailor our counseling services to meet individual needs, and are available to provide consultation and workshops for groups and organizations.
For more information about our services and what Inner Direction Recovery can do for you, please browse through our website and contact us.
Personalized Approach
Inner Direction Recovery offers a variety of services that will nurture your spirit and provide support while you are on your journey of recovery. Our clients include family members who have a loved one struggling with substance use, individuals embarking on a sobriety journey, and people who need to re-invigorate their approach to their own wellness. Our therapeutic services can be provided via online Video from the comfort of your own home. We offer consulting and program facilitation for organizations who wish to enhance their services to families impacted by addiction.
Whether you are struggling with addiction, worried about a loved one, or on a path of life transition,
Inner Direction Recovery will work with you on your goals.
You don't have to take the journey alone.

“We do not think ourselves into new ways of living,
we live ourselves into new ways of thinking.”
Richard Rohr
Contact Mary
Welcome! As the founder of Inner Direction Recovery, I am so glad that you have found our page. I offer Addiction Counseling (LAADC) in California and I provide Recovery Coaching and Consulting for out-of-state clients across the US and in Canada.
My office hours are flexible and I respond to emails within 48 hours.
Contact me to discuss what Inner Direction Recovery can do for you. I look forward to connecting!
760 - 333 - 6508